Who is Camp Kedma For?
Bais Yaakov High School Girls that want to be inspired and have an amazing experience while touring beautiful sites and creating relationships that last a lifetime. We expect our girls to have the highest standard of middos, tznius and derech eretz.
Our program is located in Yerushalayim. We use this location as our base for the summer, giving us the advantage of having a place to call home. We also include many overnight trips in other areas of Eretz Yisroel while we explore places that are more remote.
Safety & Security
Camp takes all security measures necessary. We don’t enter any neighborhoods that would be considered unsafe. When we visit Chevron and Beit-Lechem we take bulletproof buses and extra security. All campers are instructed to carry a hydration pack filled with water on all trips. Lifejackets are mandatory while swimming in all lakes and oceans. We have a certified first aid responder with us on all trips. We purchase special medical insurance for each camper so we can access any emergency services quickly.
Our campers are under our supervision at all times. Campers are never allowed to be on their own and will be expelled immediately if they break this rule. There are specific times that we may give our campers “free time” to explore a specified area. This usually means they form small groups and are looked after by our staff. There is also an “off day” for campers to spend time with friends and relatives. On those days, parents decide how their children will spend their time. Camp provides an activity for those who don’t have anything to do.
Learning is a big part of our Israel experience, from formal learning to hands-on lessons while on our trips exploring the expanse of Eretz Yisroel. Exciting guest speakers are a common occurrence in camp and our tour guides are informative and engaging in a way that our campers always enjoy.
Three healthy and delicious meals prepared by experienced American cooks will be provided by camp each day, in adherence with all the top הכשרים. Information will be given to the campers about proper הכשרים and הלכות pertinent to snacks they wish to purchase on their own. Campers that have specific diets should make sure to reach out to us before camp so that we can make the proper arrangements.
Camp price includes round trip ticket from NYC. Campers who opt to fly separately from the group flight are responsible for making sure to meet up with the camp. If you would like to fly with the camp flight but want to extend your trip, please indicate as such on the application and our agent will reach out to you to discuss further details.
Shabbos in Camp Kedma is a full day of inspiration and bonding. In addition to the Shabbosos in our dorm, we will experience one Friday night at the kosel, and an entire Shabbos in Tzfas.
No Smartphones are allowed. Kosher phones can be rented and special time will be allotted erev shabbos to call family and friends.
Application Process.
In order to apply for camp you must fill out the online camp application. Two references are required for submission. Along with the application you must send in a registration fee. If an applicant not accepted, a full refund will be processed. All campers will be required to have a video interview with our head staff before final acceptance.
Camp Fee:
Please see our Camp Fee and Terms page.
Feel free to contact us and we will provide you with the contact information of families that have attended our programs in the past.
Camp Photos.
While camp does not post photos on our website, feel free to contact us, we will provide you with album links to our past summers